Book Review: Anticancer Living: Transform Your Life and Health with the Mix of Six

Lorenzo Cohen, PhD, Alison Jefferies, MEd

Viking, 2018

Reviewed by: Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

Anticancer Living comes from the husband and wife team that lead the integrative medicine program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX.  The scientific basis of all their information and recommendations is deep and sound.  In many ways this book is a sequel to Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD (Penguin Books, 2007).  Dr. Servan-Schreiber survived with a highly lethal glioblastoma of his brain for 19 years following an anticancer lifestyle.  At the time of his death, Dr. Servan-Schreiber from the University of Pittsburgh was teamed with Dr. Cohen for a clinical trial in the methods of anticancer living and its impact on cancer survival and longevity.  This trial is ongoing and so far the results are very promising.

Part One of this book describes the history of what they call the “Anticancer Revolution”.  Most cancers are much better understood including the lifestyle insults that lead to the disease. Cancer is about to overtake heart disease as the leading cause of death in the industrialized world.  Cancer patients are not helpless and should not simply become passive recipients of cancer treatment.  There is much a person can do to improve their chances for a cancer remission and longer survival. 

Part Two discusses in detail “mix of six” interventions.  Many personal examples are given. Contrary to the usual method of starting with nutrition, Cohen and Jefferies reverse the order and begin with the psychosocial factors that are so important.  First comes a foundation of love and support. Cancer patients who remain well connected to others do much better and those who isolate themselves.

The second intervention is stress management and developing resilience.  Every cancer patient is under great stress and managing that is key to better health.  Cancer patients usually become stronger in character and that leads to greater resilience in handling what comes. Controlling stress and developing greater reliance has biological effects that help reduce cancer growth.

Third comes the need for rest and recovery.  A diagnosis of cancer is a wakeup call that your life may be out of balance.  The body heals during rest so develop a daily schedule that avoids wasting energy and has times for physical and mental restoration.

Fourth comes physical activity.  Exercise has tremendous healing powers.  Exercise does not have to be vigorous or stressful.  Long walks, hikes and swimming are good examples of enjoyable and soothing exercise.  Work on preserving and enhancing muscle strength.

Fifth comes food as medicine.  Those who follow a plant based diet have the lowest cancer rates and the greatest chance of remission.  Superfoods for cancer are nuts, seeds and vegetables of a variety of colors.  If animal products are consumed, and they should be a small part of the diet and the healthiest possible such as grass fed organic eggs and meat and wild caught organic fish.

Finally a low toxic environment is critical to anticancer living.  Rid your house of toxic chemicals and limit toxins on and in your body.  This chapter is a guide to doing just that.